Service Bulletin September 2016

The premium level is now available for all Spühl, Fides and Remex machines.

It will ensure that prior to the annual visit of the Service Technician you will receive a spare parts package with the typical wear parts. During his visit, our Service Technician will preventively replace all parts and adjust the machine. As part of the subsequent inspection, you will receive a detailed status report about your machine with prioritized recommendations for further action. Spühl grants a 7% discount on all recommended spare parts.

Please ask for a non-binding offer. For further questions please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Francois Mouron, Manager Customer Service

For some time, a conversion of the older DMC motor controller to the new CT controllers has been available. This concerns, for example, the machine types C-313, P-395, P-433 etc. The benefits of the conversion are the easy availability (DMC is no longer available), the lower price and the small overall size. With the conversion to CT, you thus reduce the risk of machine downtime. We accept return of the removed DMC devices for credit.

We look forward to hearing from you at: spareparts(at)

Roger Jordi, Head of Spare Parts Service

We welcome Florian Moser to the Spare Parts Service, succeeding Johann Mazenauer (who has retired). As a former Service Technician with Remex, for over 2 years now he has already been working at Spühl in installation and occasionally in field service.

With his specific knowledge, particularly in the area of Remex machines, Florian will continue to ensure professional handling of all requests in the Spare Parts Service.

Florian Moser, Staff Member Spare Parts Service

The control cabinets should be periodically checked and cleaned of dust deposits.

Cleaning with compressed air is not recommended, because this makes the dirt particles penetrate even deeper into the various components. In addition, compressed air contaminated with condensate water can cause short circuits.

Spühl therefore recommends removing the dust with an industrial vacuum cleaner.

Daniel Nussbaum, Manager Helpdesk